Common Ground Landscape Design

Calling All Gardeners Without A Garden!

Bob's backyard For all of you apartment dwellers in the north end of the city, who need a patch of green, I may have a solution for you. I was just looking on line at a forum in Vancouver where people who have gardens and don't pay any attention to them, find people who love to garden, and they swap services. The property owner gets a garden, and the gardener gets to garden.

Last night between, between huge hunks of maror , I was chatting with my brother Bob. He feels badly that as a young(ish) bachelor he doesn't have the time to use this 20x7  vegetable patch at the back of his garden. I asked him if he would mind if I posted this on the net and let people know that there is a garden in need of a farmer/gardener in North York (Bathurst and Wilson area). So, if you have any inclination to tend a garden, then please feel free to contact me. It needs a little love, but a few years ago he and I grew some pretty spectacular tomatoes and zuccinis.

I have been thinking about running a similar forum if one does not already exist in the city of Toronto. Does any one out there know if one does? please let me know. I'll rustle up a picture of the garden and post it soon.