Common Ground Landscape Design

bethdirt's blog

Sweet Scilla

Hello there

We have been cleaning gardens in earnest these past few dasy as the temperatures are slowly rising. Today, we saw the sun shine! We all stopped to eat humus and carrots to celebrate!                                    yans scilla

My Seedlings

I have always wanted to start perennials from seeds, and wouldn't you know it, the perennial that I chose is Aconitum (Monkshood) are the only seeds on that shelf that need a cold period before being sown. Who knew? So, into the fridge they go for 3 months!

I am so done with winter.

Heavenly Hellebores

Calling All Gardeners Without A Garden!

You don't need any nails for this one!

lovely colored coffins

Sweet Crocuses

Today; as I was driving along, out of the corner of my eye I saw a splash of color. At this time of year when I have long days of driving around to see customers, the only colour that I see is in dog clothing. So imagine my surprise when I discovered this sweet littlecrocus with stamens Crocus clumppatch of Crocuses.

Spring has officially sprung in Toronto

Canada Blooms 2007


It is very late on a Saturday night and I am doing a ton of last minute organizing before I head off to England! YYYEEEAAAHHHH. I hear that the Daffodils are blooming every where? Do you hear them too? Oh I am so excited. I am off to Kew Gardens, the gardening Mecca of the collected plant world.

Seeds and Feeds

Bioregionalism-Is a term often used to define a geographical area. More recently It has come to connote our preference to buy locally. I wasn't too long ago farmers didn't have much choice in who their market would be, they sold their produce closer to home for fear of it rotting.